Thursday, April 19, 2012

My FatGirl Story

This is My Story.....

Last Year, April 19th, 2011 I decided to embark on a journey that I didn't think I would be able to complete. Ok enough with the bull. Last year I walked into Bally Total Fitness, and started my first workout with my BFF. It was no easy task, I mean dieting was honestly the last thing on my mind. I was in a relationship with someone that accepted me for who I was, and was somewhat in denial of the fatty girl I had become.

Freshman Year of College
 When I orientated (pledged) for my sorority back in summer 2008, I lost some weight. But was still, plus size. Would I have ever dreamed of coming this far, no. Everyone in my family is overweight. Even our animals/pets. Food is the center of my Puerto Rican family and if you dared to tell my grandmother "no thanks im full", shell attack you with her broom.

When I crossed 2008
But that is not an excuse for gaining so much weight. Don't get me wrong, I was always a chubby girl. I was not born that way. Food was an outlet which I turned to. I knew i was not an emotional eater, but for some reason I always felt like I needed to eat. College days were the worst. Thinking about it now, all those late eating nights of Mia's Pizza & Wings, Letchworth fried mozzarella sticks, bosco sticks, chicken, burgers and to top it all off with BOOZE....I am surprised I was not heavier! I tried Weight watchers in college, lost 5 pounds and that was that. I was pissed. I wanted something quick, and to hell if my boyfriend loved the way I looked, why should I care???

But that was the problem. I DID NOT CARE. Did not think twice about what I was putting into my mouth. I tried and tried to diet but would bounce back because there was no real value in those diets. When i look back at these pictures, I think my friends and sisters were just being helpful. Not trying to make me feel like the elephant in the room while being the elephant in the room. I enjoyed my college years, I do not regret them. But do I wish I would have gotten the wake up call sooner, HELL YEAH....In short, my graduation of college was the realization that I was a tonka truck..

At a Banquet
Enjoying the high fat drinks....

Senior Drinking Night

Graduation Dinner
Graduation is supposed to be the happiest time of your life. I am the first to graduate from a four year university. Not only that, one of the top universities in NY & U.S. I am a proud SUNY Geneseo Alumni. Furthermore, it was when I took my graduation portrait that i had the revelation. My cheeks were so puffy I looked like porky pig. I cried and cried but still did not change. Just kept going with it.

My 22nd Birthday

I wont continue with the photos, but for those that personally know me can check my Facebook. Those pictures are still there purposely to remind me of the changes.

It wasn't until two ladies at my job opened me up into weight loss. I started a new job in August with five other women. While that may seem intimidating...well it was. Most of these ladies are well fit and beautiful. I felt uncomfortable being around them. I wanted to be like them....

With the help of Mildred, I started a diet. She told me this "Look, if you want my help in telling you what to eat and what not to eat, I will do it. I will be very blunt. Some days your not going to like what I have to say, but you will thank me later". And with that she kept tabs of what I was eating. She criticized all the bad foods which at the time pissed me off, but later molded me to not turn to them. No it is not healthy to eat a whole thing of chipotle, McDonalds, & other fast foods. If Mildred would not have opened my eyes on foods to try and ways to diet, I know i would not have been able to do this without her.

Liz brought the physical fitness into my life. Our intern at the time at our office decided to join Ballys and wanted a gym buddy. I volunteered with one condition, that she wouldn't quit on me. And you know what, she did not. We had a joint session with the Fitness Director, Josef & we both liked him. Then I thought, If i could afford to go out and drink and eat, I can afford to have someone TRAIN me how to be healthy. And he did just that. Yes I started with a trainer. I recommend it. If you are someone who has no idea how to work out, then yes a teacher, someone who will push you in the right direction is an outlet that should be looked for. Running on the treadmill on manual for 30 minutes is not going to cut it.

 For about 3-4 months Josef trained me. Gave me HELL. My summer was not fun. While everyone was at the beach, I was at the gym with Josef. And slowly but surely I was seeing results...
Me & Liz

Summer in Ft Lauderdale
  Good old summer times, pounds shedding and meeting new people and walks of life. I wasn't still happy with myself. It took some time, and once my training ended with Josef, there was the decision that I had to make within myself. Are you going to continue, or fall back into the same old trap? This time was different. I knew I was not the same girl. Josef gave me all the tools I needed. My mind was molded. I was no longer making excuses to NOT GO to the gym. I was giving people excuses to not meet with them and head to the gym.... There was one thing that Josef always said to me that i didn't understand at the time, but now stays remnant in my mind. "The only way you will be healthy is if you incorporate fitness into your life. Not like something that can be rescheduled...Something that is definitive and non-stopping. It has to be like a having a boyfriend, a baby, a job or school. A RESPONSIBILITY." Only then you will always be motivated to work out. Because its not a "what if" anymore, its a "MUST".

I left Ballys and moved on to Crunch. From there Ive been doing it on my own. You may ask, "ok this is your story but why have you shared no tips?" That's the whole point of this blog. Junk food police is a post-it that is still on my desk, that reminds me that I am the one who is patrolling where the junk food is going. Before, I used to always be the one in the office arrested for it.

The purpose of this blog is to share my tips, advice and new found love for Skinny Recipes. Thanks to, it has inspired me to create my own quick dishes and follow theirs. On this blog I will be sharing it all, my thoughts, my advice and everyday pulls. I hope you all continue to follow me on this continuing journey.

And thats all i have for now folks... Happy 1 year anniversary to my lifestyle change. 70 lbs lighter has never felt any better. This is the best gift ever. I plan to keep it going. =D

Thank you Liz & Milly <3


  1. Guys feel free to post!! I want this to be an interactive blog! =)

  2. What kind of workouts do you recommend? And do you count calories or just heat healthy small portions?

    1. The workouts that i have done have changed over time. When i started working out, I went to the gym 5 times a week. Twice i did strength/cardio training and then the other three days straight cardio. Now i do both interchangably. I recommend doing cardio & weight training. Weight training may add a couple of pounds (2-3) but it burns the fat and builds muscle. Cardio is a must.

      Running on the treadmill, stairmaster, elliptical. then using free weights do to bicep curls, lunges, squats, etc.

      Also ab routines as well.

      I do count calories now, but at times i dont and just eat healthy small portions. It depends on what you prefer.

      I will be posting about this this week so stay tuned for that!

    2. Thanks so much! you inspired me to start again. You are so beautiful !Thanks for trying to help others.

  3. For those still in college, what would you recommend to eat and do? I mean if you were back in college starting freshman year what would you have done differently (mostly regarding eat habits?) Advice?

    1. Not eat anything fried on the campus, Not eat anything that dosent have a nutrition fact on it. I wouldnt ban myself from the bad things..but your supposed to eat fat stuff SPARINGLY. So once in a blue id have the pizza, or some icecream and then a workout.

      But if you can cook that is a way better option. I would have taken advantage of the campus kitchen, etc. Its so easy to eat something from campus because its easily accessible, but you have to resist.

      Again ill use this as a future post topic and give more detailed pointers!

      Stay tuned =)

  4. So proud of you crystal! You had come so far and I know you can accomplish so much more, stay motivated and continue being an inspiration for many others.

    1. Thank you so much!

      I just wish i knew who this was so i can personally thank you! =)

  5. Through it all, it appears, you have a smile in every picture in this website. And that smile is what counts most in the journey of life!

  6. i am so proud of you babe.... you have done a great job and you look amazing DON'T LET ANYONE TELL YOU OTHERWISE <3
    i love you <3<3<3

    1. Aww thanks bestie <3 Love ya girl hope you like my little gift!

    2. i love you too BFF.. that was the cutest thing ever it made my week !!!!!

  7. I will be coming back to check this out...I have noticed as I get older I can't get away with not working out anymore...I have the opposite story gained about 20lbs since we graduated...You have motivated me to do something about look amazing!!!
