Wednesday, May 2, 2012

When you fail to plan, you plan to fail....

This post is inspired by one of my lovely friends who decided to embark on her healthy lifestyle journey. She went to the gym with me and has been going at it alone, while dieting. Im so proud of her, she lost 2 pounds already!!! I warned her not to go too crazy on the dieting in the beginning, because like every addiction, you have to wean off of it.

Today she tells me she had McDonalds for lunch because she was tired of the healthy stuff. Of course, I would want junk food too after being deprived for so long!!!

So my point is, when you fail to plan your diet, you plan to fail. Alot of excuses we make are at times and places where we feel that the junk food is the easiest access. WRONG. If you do your research ahead of time, there are restaurants/food spots that have lower cal options. I mean if your going to cheat, make that food at home that you want so bad from McDonalds. I bet doing that saves you so much calories, fat, salt, carbs, everything!

Bring your lunches to work! Yes it takes more work but in the end you wont wonder what to eat anymore. And if you plan to buy lunch, think ahead what you want to eat. Think about the costs, nutritionally and financially. Ask yourself, is this going to fill me? Will i be able to function after? Will I feel better after eating this about myself. Did I honestly make the right decision? If you can live with all those options then go for it!

Believe it or not, I am not the biggest veg/salad/health nut. BUT, I do plan my meals, and I variate to keep my healthy lifestyle going.

And please please please to all those that are STARTING to diet, take it slow. One day at a time. Wean off the bad stuff....Make healthier choices, but do not eliminate it all at once. WHY? Because then you will have a relapse. Overall, if you do relapse, get back up and get on it! No one is perfect and a perfect body isn't built in a day.

Happy Wednesday!

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